Perfectly located on the top of Hunza Valley, Hunza Eagle’s Nest Hotel offers guests with an experience that attract them to visit again and again. Whether you are traveling in a group or individually with a small or large budget, Eagle’s Nest Hotel offers accommodation for everyone in a truly peaceful and relaxing environment.
2850 meter high ridge above Altit Village in Hunza.
Eagle’s Nest is one of the leading hotels in Hunza, Pakistan. It is not merely a tourist viewpoint. Eagle’s Nest hotel is located at the top of a beautiful Duikar Valley.
For convenience of our customers who are travelling towards Eagle’s Nest Hotel, here is a detailed map with the following famous nearby landmarks that you will pass through while coming towards Hotel Eagle’s Nest in Hunza.
We are looking forward to hosting you.
Check In | 12:00 PM |
Check Out | 12:00 PM |
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